
The Catholic Review magazine is distributed by mail to nearly 83,000 households. It serves as the publication of record for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, covering most of the state, and was honored as News Organization of the Year for large non-daily publications by the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association in 2018 and 2019.
The Catholic Review is all about you, your faith and your church. For nearly 180 years, it has served as your primary source for Catholic news and information around the state, nation and globe, bringing you news you won't find anywhere else. It remains your direct communication link to events happening in your parish and faith-life.

As your hometown magazine, The Catholic Review provides news about events and issues of interest to people who are involved in Catholic parishes, schools and organizations, whether their involvement is just sitting in a pew at Mass each Sunday or participating on the parish council, or anything in between.

National and international stories are also featured in The Catholic Review, providing you with a Catholic perspective to news happening around the world or in the next state. Every effort is made to offer you the most complete and comprehensive Catholic news coverage every issue.

Archbishop William E. Lori is the publisher of The Catholic Review.

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